Saturday, December 02, 2006

No babies yet :(

No updates in quite awhile. We have been so busy with the holidays and such. Still trying to get pregnant with no luck. I am bummed. Dan takes it all in stride. It aggravates me that he is so calm every month when we get that negative sign on the pregnancy test. I am a basket case every month and he just says "next month baby". How do men do it? Then I get mad and tell him he doesn't care, and we argue for a minute before I realize I am crazy and we start trying again. I guess I wouldn't be so anxiousw if it wasn't for the transplant and feeling like I am on borrowed time. Stress always makes me want to eat too, so I have gained some weight which is driving me crazy. That's all I need is for someone to ask me if I am pregnant before I'm pregnant! I think I would have to be admitted for sure.

Anyways, other that that life is great. Dan really is my greatest support system. He is too easy on me and he puts up with too much. I did surprise him and buy us a one week trip to Mexico. We leave Monday! Then I won $4,000 at the Casino in October and was able to pay the whole trip off on my own. So, I really can't complain. No babies, but I still have a wonderful life.