Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another Step In The Process

Well, my Drs appt. went good yesterday. The doctor said my kidney transplant is the least of his worries, so that made me feel good. My blood pressure is down, but not perfect so he wants me to keep working at that. He upped my folic acid to 2 mg, and raised my bp meds. I got all the pre-pregnancy screenings for RH factor, clotting factors, Cystic fibrosis gene, and some other things I cant remember. I didn't get put on clomid, he is sending me to a reproductive endocrinologist next thursday to have my thyroid checked, and do the testing for pcos. They will be the ones to rule out any conditions that could be causing my infertility, and decide if clomid is the best route . So, one more step in this baby making process.


Blogger AmyL said...

Well, that sounds good...not so stormy. The RE I'v been working with is Dr. Randolph. I have had a good experience with all the docs in the office; there was one K and I did not care for (but that was just a first impression). I have to assume you will be using the same RE, unless, there is somewhere else to go that I am not aware of. Good Luck! I'd love to hear how you apt. goes.

7:50 AM  

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