Saturday, May 26, 2007


Got my diagnosis today at the RE. She didnt even need to do bloodwork. I took in my ovulation predictor kit (20 test strips taped together, ocd, I know) she took one look at them and said, oh no you have pcos. She said I never had a lh surge. The pcos is the reason I was having light and dark lines on every strip.

Anyways, heres the plan now. I can't take metformin due to my kidney transplant, but she said the south beach diet, and 30 minutes of exercise 5xs/week works the same. I need to take 10 days of prometrium to start my period, then on day 3 of nmp get a fasting test of all my hormone levels + glucose. Day 7-12, a sonohysterogram to check tubes, ovaries and uterus. If I get a +opk then 8 days after I will get a midluteal progesterone level. If not, then I wont. I also have to do opks and temps from now on.

On june 26th, after all bloodwork and levels are back, I will go back and discuss whats next. She said shes pretty sure it will be clomid. So, thats my story. I feel like a crazy mad scientist with all my papers and charts.

You know what the weird thing was? The whole time I was in the office listening to the doctor talk, I kept thinking "what if my baby grows up to be a serial killer?" isnt that horrible to think.


Blogger Bmaddny said...

Hi, I'm sorry about your father, I know its always easier to go through something, than to watch someone else. But your dad beat it before, he can beat it again. Instead of grieving for him now, you should be happy that you have this time to spend with him, and you should spend it wisely instead of fearing the future. I know its easy to say, but I hope this helps.

I have FSGS, and I am trying to get pregnant too. I'm not yet a candidate for transplant or dialysis, but I will be if I ever have a kid. Just looking for stories that are like mine so I can have an idea of what to expect. Take care and don't stress, it will make you sick.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Hamilton Family said...

I also have a kidney transplant and i am on metformin, did they give you a reason why you shouldn't be on this medicine, in fact i was on it when i got pregnant with my daughter four years after transplant, just wondering

6:05 PM  
Blogger Madge said...

Hi Hamilton Family,
A question for you. I too have a renal transplant and have recently begun taking Metformin, and am experiencing some negative side effects since my dose was upped to 500mg 3 times daily. Doctors have now suggested that 1 500mg tablet may suit me better. May I ask what dose you took prior to and during pregnancy and if you experienced any problems, e.g. raise in creatinine levels.
Any information would be much appreciated.

10:09 AM  

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